The benefits of working with us:
Our services

- About. It displays the history of the company, its goals and achievements;
- Services. The page describes the company services with a detailed description and possible costs;
- Contacts. In addition to the physical address, phone number, and email, this website section may contain maps and information about the company founders;
- Works/Portfolio. Here the user can get acquainted with already completed projects, and learn even more details and characteristics of successful projects.
With IST Group you will get a professional website that will present your business in a quality manner and attract new orders!
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- Your brand awareness increases. Landing pages focus the user's attention on the product, describing it in detail;
- Simple lead generation. Clear calls to action (CTA) and a well-thought-out structure will engage the end-user and convince them to share their contact details;
- Promotion in search results. Be on top of search results among the target audience with our SEO algorithm settings that will allow you to stand out from the competitors.

- Homepage. Providing the details of the online store, it also shows information about promotions, popular products, and newcomers;
- Catalogue. Section with a list of products. The products can be divided into categories or collections. Special attention in this section is paid to filters that will allow the customer to focus on products that they are interested in;
- Product Card. When we want to know more details, we come here. The product card should contain detailed (and up-to-date!) information about the product and a clear call to purchase the product;
- Product Cart. A list of items the customer wants to buy;
- Checkout. Have you decided to change the order? What mail do you want to receive the parcel? When would you like to pay for the order? All this can be solved in this section.
Also, an e-shop can have testimonial pages, a blog, a forum, usage services, and much, much more. Contact us, and we will help you find out what you need!
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A corporate website is the face of a company on the Internet. It should match the style of the business and have a clear structure to stepwise introduce users to the company, its history, services, etc. The company acquires brand recognition, expands its customer base, increases the existing customers' loyalty, and attracts new employees. Like a business website, a corporate one lists the company's services/products but provides even more information and opportunities for potential customers. This digital product is the solution for large businesses that can meet the needs of the most demanding customers.
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- data visualization;
- progress reports;
- project management, branches, large groups of people;
- customization for the type of business.
Plug-and-produce websites should be developed by experienced developers instead of freelance amateurs who can have cheaper payment rates but can turn projects into non-earning assets at best and loss of hundreds of dollars in the worst case.
Cost-cutting attempts
Outdated design, not properly thought through website structure, invalid code with bad practices and following reputation losses, additional cost, and search for other developers are the result of unnecessary cost-cutting attempts.
Qualitative website
That’s why IST. Group proposes website development, when quality meets price instead of searching for developers who may offer cheaper payment rates but are unable to create a qualitative website with necessary functionality.